Hi all, remember the other week when I said I don't use any detergents in my day to day laundry, well I have just added a banner to this site and I would encourage you all to take a look at it. I've been using them now for over 18months and I have no complaints and I can use the water on my fruit trees without fear of chemical contamination.
What got me interested in them was my wife, she had been conplaining of sore and itchy hands for some time and after trying several creams and other things that had been offered she had still had no success. Once we started using the laundry balls my wifes skin condition improved dramaticly. Not to mention we saved heaps of money not having to buy detergent.
If you want to find out more clink on this link or the banner add at the bottom of the page. It explains in a lot more detail about how they work and also the effects of detergents to our environment.
I have found a great supplier of laundry balls in the UK, it's a new product but lots of people are saying it's great for skin conditions and my family have very sensitive skin and are stuck paying loads for a particular brand of detergent. I really hope this works out for us like it has for you.