Sunday, December 6, 2009

Old Laundry Tub Garden

When my wife and I first moved into our home there was one of these old concrete laundry tubs. When we renovated the laundry I kept the tub part. Over the years it has been used as a spare esky for big parties, used for kids games etc. However for the last few years it has been sitting in the corner full of junk. Recently my wife has been bugging me to grow more flowers (as they do), so a few weeks ago I draged this thing (it's bloody heavy) into a spare spot under my Grevillia's, filled it with manure and planted some marigold and cone flowers, along with some herbs (couuldn't help myself). When the coneflowers work I'll let you know. (maybe next year?)

Friday, December 4, 2009


I came home the other day to find my fruiting banana lying on its side, so I said to myself "it must be time to harvest!". After you cut of the bunch immediately turn it upside down so the sap doesn't fall on the fruit, this will cause some big black marks on the skin. These babies will ripen up over the next week or two, if they ripen too fast I will freeze the fruit and make cakes with them.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Work Sucks

I've been doing a few days work on a beautiful golf course estate on the Gold Coast, I am working with a team of guys and we are installing all of the furniture, white goods, kitchen essentials and AV gear.
It's a lot of hard work, but when I get a few minutes I look out over this and see fish in the water, water birds fishing, lots of trees, and beautiful landscaped fairways (not many golfers).

I don't play golf, I'm not interested in it. Do you think that any of the very wealthy people who will live in these appartments will grow any of their own food? Maybe I'll slip a few herb seeds into the manacured gardens and hope for the best!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

School Orchard Finished

This is the finished product at the school orchard. One of the parents organised the planting of this project about 4 years ago, there is various citrus, a mango, a guava, pineapples and a beautiful white mulberry. The schools adopted farmers have also added some sugar cane. Along the fence a choko has been planted but I think it will be replaced by some pasionfruit next year.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The School Orchard

With the help of the school, P&C, the adopted farmers, parents and the students everybody pitched in to lay down newspaper and sugarcane mulch as weed supresion in the school orchard. It is quite a large area and each week the students come down a pull weeds. I thought they were fighting a loosing battle and suggested we do this.
It was all over in a couple of hours we had newspaper donated by parents and mulch brought in by the farmers and I. Hopefully we won't need to do it again till next spring. I will post some pics of the finished project later.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hi all, sorry I haven't posted for a while, my iPhone has been on the blink and I only got it back the other day. Can't live with it can't live without it.
Plants are funny things, I have had these plants for a while, the plant in the picture above I inherited when a person I worked with left and I kept looking after it, I repotted it because the pot it was in was broken, so when i left I took it with me. The plants in the pot below have been in the same pot for 3 years without a change of soil. I never done anything special to them, I only water them when they start to wilt. I have never had more flowers on them than I do now, and I don't even know what they're called?
I have a cousin who has a purple one I should try to pinch some of hers!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Remember a couple of weeks ago I pulled up all of my tomatoes? Many of them have ripened on the vine and are ready to pick. Tomorrow I will pick them and think about hat to do with them. Maybe some Tomato Conserve, and some puree. I need to find a recipe for green tomatoes. I'll let you know how I go.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I think this gardenia has been here forever, I do nothing to it except give it hair cut every couple of years. Each year I get masses of beautifull perfumed flowers. My girls gather up handfulls of them and pretend to be brides, then scatter the flowers everywhere.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Ain't It Funny...

I have a big old gum tree out the back with a garden around it. i have tried to plant a few things around it with varied success as the gum tree takes all of the available moisture and nutrients. Early last year I stuck a couple of pineapple tops in as I have all over the yard. I have found that this is the best place for them they are growing like crazy. I have moved most of my pinapple plants to this location now and they are all doing well. This must be due to the pineapple plant having a small root system and the gum tree is not interfering too much. Pineapples must also be drought tollerant as I don't give them a great deal of water.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Starting a plant from seed is one of the most rewarding experiences in the garden. I am starting some basil seeds in these old egg cartons, they are destined for some guerrilla gardening in some unsuspecting school gardens and maybe the bus stop at the shopping centre. (shhhh don't tell anyone)
This is my cat's garden, this cat mint was planted from a cutting taken from a customer. The cat loves nothing more than to be rubbed over with a few leaves.

I have a spot near the neighbours fence that is bear and I had the idea of planting out some Rosemary as the area doesn't get a lot of water and would need to fend for itself without too much input from me. I was short a few dollars so couldn't buy any to satisfy my immediate needs. Being spring, there was a lot of new growth on my existing Rosemary that is growing under the front stairs (also grown from a piece pinched from a customer). I took a few pieces and planted them in some good compost. That was four weeks ago and they are growing strong, I should be able to plant them out soon.
The most supprising plant I have ever grown from a cutting is a hibiscus, I was driving down a long driveway from a customer and noticed a beautiful hibiscus flower, so as I drove by I stuck out my hand and grabbed a small branch, I stuck this in a pot when I got home some 2 hours later and a few years on it now stand over 2 metres high. When it is in flower I will post a photo.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Front Garden Update

The weather report says there is a heap of rain comming this week so I have taken everthing out of my front garden, I have ended up with a hugh stash of tomatoes, a few spuds and a rockmelon (don't know where that came from? but I'm not complaining)

All of the tomato plants I have put to one side with the green tomatoes still attached. These will ripen up over time so nothing is being wasted.
Into this bed I have now planted some Blue Mini Popcorn some potatoes, mixed heirloom beetroot and yellow squash. I haven't had much success with the squash in other parts of the garden, I have planted my last 5 seeds so we'll see how they go.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Harvesting by the Basketfull!

I've had a busy week this week harvesting heaps of stuff from the garden, as well as the silverbeet I have picked about 3kgs of medium sized tomatoes from my front garden ( the back garden tomatoes are finished now) a feed of beans and a few beetroot.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Every Spare Space

Under the front stairs I have planted a Lemon Grass and Rosemary plants. The lemon Grass helps to hide the air conditioning box and looks better than the bare dirt that was there. It has just rained, it has been the first decent shower for at least six weeks, and only the second shower in about three months, the plants are singing.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Patch 3

You've seen this part from the other side, I've already started eating some of the tomatoes from here. I made a chicken & silverbeet lasagne using some of the smaller tomatoes from around the yard, silverbeet and herbs picked fresh as well.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Love My Coffee

This is a better shot of my Dwarf Coffee Bean plant. Another lifetime ago, when I was an apprentice, I met my master's mother who at the time was roasting coffee beans harvested from a tree in her yard. I didn't think much of it at the time, now I can't wait to see how it tastes. I will have to do some research on how it is done at home. I will keep you informed as the beans progress.

Friday, October 9, 2009

My Patch Part 2

It's amazing how fast bananas grow, the banana on the left was planted about 30cm high 15 months ago. It is the one in the picture from about month ago, with the big bunch of bananas growning, the chair is there to hold the tree up along with a piece of rope tied to the macadamia nut tree. If you look hard enough under the bananas there is a coffee bean plant that has just flowered also a capcicum. There is also a mandarin tree and off to the right is a dwarf peach, and heaps of basil growing everywhere.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Problem With Being a Famous Blogger

I'm being threatened by the ladies that work with my wife for a batch of scones and a jar of jam!!! I wonder what's in it for me....

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

No Dig Garden

The idea of "No Dig" gardening was developed in the 70's by Sydney gardener Esther Dean. I have attached the "Gardening Australia" fact sheet link to have a look at method I used to build my garden. Also a link to the wikipedia site about No Dig Gardening and Esther Dean.

My Patch

Thought I should give you a look around my garden. Last year, at the begining of Winter, I decided to turn a large portion of my yard into productive space. I had read an article about how to make a "no dig" garden in a Gardening Australia magazine and thought I can do that. I had access to manure and made enquires with local services to obtain tree mulch and grass clippings. The hardest thing to find was news paper, I robbed the neighbours, I took great piles of free local news papers from the shops untill I had enought to start. The only thing I needed to buy was Sugar Cane Mulch and Lucerne Mulch which is available at differing prices depending on how far you are prepared to travel for it. As I was working at the time it took me a couple of weeks to build the garden.
In the picture is the 1st stage of what I had produced. The large tree is a Macadamia Nut which was there when we moved in 12 years ago and last year we got the biggest crop which we are still eating 10months on. There is a Mulberry tree there which hasen't produced anything after 2 years. My orange tree has flowered and should produce some fruit this year. There is still some silverbeet growing left over from last year. I will post another picture tomorrow and show you some more.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mango Season!!!

It's Mango time boys and girls, and you know what that means! Juice dribbling down your chin, down to your elbows all down the front of your shirt. LOVE IT!!!
The girls at the fruit shop have been at it again, I got this lot for a few dollars today. The kids will get stuck into this lot when they get home. I cut off cheeks, score them and put them in a plastic bag for lunches as well.
Of course I have jammed some (and will jam some more). Imagine sitting freezing in the middle of winter eating mango jam on hot fresh crusty bread...

Laundry Balls

Hi all, remember the other week when I said I don't use any detergents in my day to day laundry, well I have just added a banner to this site and I would encourage you all to take a look at it. I've been using them now for over 18months and I have no complaints and I can use the water on my fruit trees without fear of chemical contamination.
What got me interested in them was my wife, she had been conplaining of sore and itchy hands for some time and after trying several creams and other things that had been offered she had still had no success. Once we started using the laundry balls my wifes skin condition improved dramaticly. Not to mention we saved heaps of money not having to buy detergent.
If you want to find out more clink on this link or the banner add at the bottom of the page. It explains in a lot more detail about how they work and also the effects of detergents to our environment.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Today's Harvest

This is our 2nd big bunch of 5 Coulour Silverbeet, I will use this tonight mixed with a couple of eggs and cheese with some puff pastry to make a pie for dinner tonight served with some new potatoes and garlic butter.


Just wanted to share with you a list of TV shows, Magazines and web sites that inspire me to garden also to grow, use, prepare and preserve local in season produce. I will add to this as I come across more sites.
TV Shows
Gardening Australia
Costa's Garden Odessy
Little River Cottage
Jamie Oliver (sometimes)
The Cook & The Chef
Grass Roots
Gardening Australia Magazine
Digger Club News Letter (club members only)
Web Sites

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Today's Harvest

On a lighter note, despite the dust, I've been out in the garden and picked a couple of potatoes, I've still left some in the ground I'll see if they get any bigger.
Cherry tomatoes are an amazing thing, grow anywhere with little water and give up heaps of sweet fruit, great with salad or cut in half and spead on a pizza.

We're All Gonna Die

I hate to say it, but this dust storm is a result of over farming. We need to encourage everyone to grow a few things for themselves and our farmers to put at least 1/3 of their land under trees. It is my belief that if we grow some of our own food we can reduce carbon pollution from transportation and by doing this we can encourage farmers to have a "tree crop" further reducing carbon emmissions and locking in some of the top soil that is now floating away.
Go and buy a dwarf fruit tree and grow some herbs put them in pots on your balcony, one day it may save you a trip to the shops.

I've been shopping

I was so inspired by my trip to NSCF that I couldn't help myself, I bought a Kaffir Lime for a friend and some nastusum seeds from the NSCF shop, them went and bought some herbs to plant, also some new passionfruit vines.

Northy Street City Farm

I have driven past a little community garden in Windsor called Northy Street City Farm for years and thought of it more as a hippy commune than as a place where home vege gardeners can learn more about how we do what we do. I took a couple of my kids down yesterday and we went on the free tour. They have 4 acres of land within 5mins of the city, the council lease them the land for a $1 per year as it is considered flood plain (it has gone under twice in the last year). There are many gardens for herbs and vege's which are used in their kitchen to produce lunch for the volunteer's and students. There is a native bush tucker forest as well as a not so native edible forest, a fruit orchard, area's given to compost production, open space for entertainment and education, a full kitchen , a shop and admin. The kids and I wondered around after the tour and stayed for the lunch, everything we ate was grown in the gardens, we had a curry made from arrowroot and various herbs, with a salad made up from leaves and flowers also a green PawPaw salad. I think I will sign up to volunteer and see what I can learn, I will also consider the TAFE accredited courses they offer in Horticulture & Permaculture. Their web site is

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Salad In A Bag

I have to laugh at my kids sometimes, I'd forgotten to make bread again for Friday, so I asked the kids if they wanted some old flat bread wrap with Vegemite & cheese or salad in a bag? They all jumped up and said "salad in a bag! salad in a bag!" Amazing what you can get away with, I was just too lazy to go to the shops and buy a loaf.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tomatoes Galore

I've planted a few tomatoes from seed this year and some seedlings we recieved from a school project, the tomatoes from seed were a small egg bush type and the seedlings were an ox heart climbing type. The tomato plants in the picture have grown up out of my compost and will provide a greater quantity of tomatoes per plant than either of the other 2 varieties that I have planted. Pity about the corn I tried to plant here, it got swamped.
Speaking of tomatoes, I got another box full from the fruit shop, after putting asside 30+ for salads etc. I made another 6 litres of puree. Half of this I have made into salsa using home grown corriander and chillies, capcicum, onion and some of the garlic. Yum!

The ladies at the fruit shop gave me a few big pineapples the other day. I peeled them and put the skins through the juicer, then put the flesh into the food processor to be crushed. I heated the fruit and juice and bottled it up. I now have some crushed pineapple ready for pizza night for the kids.

Spring Has Sprung

We have had an earlyish spring this year in South East Queensland. It never really gets that cold, so I had planted out some tomatoes early and some beans left over from last year that were still growing. I am starting to get some results which is great. This is about half of what I picked, the kids got the rest! Last week I picked a large container of cherry tomatoes and about 20 lemons. My wife used the lemons as a stain remover on the kids clothes, I think it worked a bit. I will try to post each week a picture of what I have harvested from my garden.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ain't They Cute!!!

Remeber the other week when I said I was planting watermelon seeds at the school, we planted 2 varieties, Drought Master and Moon & Stars. Well a hand full of them are up and running. We had a couple of decent showers give us 25mm rain and we're off.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Love the Smell of Damper in the Morning

I ran out of bread while making the kids lunches this morning. The day care centre were some of my kids go will reheat a meal for lunch. I had a container of pumpkin soup left over in the freezer, it went of to day care with a fresh cob of damper still warm from the oven.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I Hope You Like Jammin' Too!!!

What a week!!! Started with Mullberry's on Sunday, Jammed, Pied & Eaten' nuf said.

I had a box of tomatoes I picked up cheap, I've peeled them, purreed them and bottled them, about 6 litres.

I went to the fruit shop yesterday, well, the ladies there know what I can do in the kitchen, if you know what I mean... They gave me a whole carton of strawberry's for $5. So today I've been Jammin'

I hope you like Jammin too...

Monday, August 31, 2009

It's Mulberry Season!!!

Over the last couple of years I have been watching a mulberry tree a few blocks away and watching the fruit fall to the ground to rot. This year I said to myself I'm going to get them and eat them. (I love mulberry's) I got up early one morning with a couple of containers and set about filling them up. While I was doing this the owner of the tree came out and asked what I was doing, I explained what I had seen and told her what I was going to do, I also offered the fruit back to her, as it was her's after all. It was then she told me I could take my fill. I thanked her and told her I would deliver back to her a jar of jam.
I managed to pick enought for a batch of jam and some left over for a mulberry tart. During the process of all this, as mulberry's do stain the fingers and what ever else they touch, I discovered that lemon juice clears the stain immediatly. I have also been told that green mulberry's have the same effect but I'm not sure, I did pick some just in case but I rediscovered the lemon juice remedy first. I think I have a mate who has an even larger tree, I will have to pay him a visit...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Preparation for the Next Crop

Part of Self Sustainability is about community interaction. This is when you can swap something that you have for something that you need. I take some of the things I grow and make and give them to a lady who gives me horse manure to fertilize my gardens. At the school garden the students have helped me to spread the manure into this we will plant 2 varieties of Water Melon and I might put in a row of Giant Sunflowers just for fun. I will then mulch with some lucerne which has been purchased from donations from the parents at school.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

We Have Cooked Potatoes

Last Friday, my trusty barbeque and I went up to the school and we had a Potato Party, the kids all wrapped their chosen potato in foil. While I baked them the kids prepared a Garlic (hey hey) butter, also some sour cream and bacon for the toppings. As expected they went down a treat. The smaller spuds are being kept for an early September suprise, for some unexpecting dad's.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The North Brisbane Cup

I have a friend and his son who race motor bikes. On Saturday I went to watch them ride. This is the only event in the year when they race at night time. Kids from as young as 5years race on 50cc bikes up to megla maniacs who race on 500cc monsters. This is speedway style racing and it is very dangerous, my friends son boke his leg in 3 places and had to have a steel rod inserted to hold his leg together while it healed. That was 2 years ago and he still gets up to ride at each meeting. At this meeting a 12 year old ride came off and broke his collar bone. Each time I've been out an ambulance has been called. Great entertainment and a cheap day out for all the family!