Wednesday, November 18, 2009

School Orchard Finished

This is the finished product at the school orchard. One of the parents organised the planting of this project about 4 years ago, there is various citrus, a mango, a guava, pineapples and a beautiful white mulberry. The schools adopted farmers have also added some sugar cane. Along the fence a choko has been planted but I think it will be replaced by some pasionfruit next year.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The School Orchard

With the help of the school, P&C, the adopted farmers, parents and the students everybody pitched in to lay down newspaper and sugarcane mulch as weed supresion in the school orchard. It is quite a large area and each week the students come down a pull weeds. I thought they were fighting a loosing battle and suggested we do this.
It was all over in a couple of hours we had newspaper donated by parents and mulch brought in by the farmers and I. Hopefully we won't need to do it again till next spring. I will post some pics of the finished project later.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hi all, sorry I haven't posted for a while, my iPhone has been on the blink and I only got it back the other day. Can't live with it can't live without it.
Plants are funny things, I have had these plants for a while, the plant in the picture above I inherited when a person I worked with left and I kept looking after it, I repotted it because the pot it was in was broken, so when i left I took it with me. The plants in the pot below have been in the same pot for 3 years without a change of soil. I never done anything special to them, I only water them when they start to wilt. I have never had more flowers on them than I do now, and I don't even know what they're called?
I have a cousin who has a purple one I should try to pinch some of hers!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Remember a couple of weeks ago I pulled up all of my tomatoes? Many of them have ripened on the vine and are ready to pick. Tomorrow I will pick them and think about hat to do with them. Maybe some Tomato Conserve, and some puree. I need to find a recipe for green tomatoes. I'll let you know how I go.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I think this gardenia has been here forever, I do nothing to it except give it hair cut every couple of years. Each year I get masses of beautifull perfumed flowers. My girls gather up handfulls of them and pretend to be brides, then scatter the flowers everywhere.